Updated 3 years ago

Pro-rata charges on your first bill

Pro-rata is charging for a portion of a product/service and allocating a portion of the usage over a particular time.

When you sign up for a new service or a new account with Southern Phone, you will be assigned to one of our standard billing cycles.

On your first monthly invoice, you'll see that your monthly plan fee and usage allowances/limits will be calculated based on the number of days between when your service was activated and the end-date of this billing cycle (inclusive). This means that for your first month, you may not receive the full usage allowances/limits.

Advanced Billing

All new services are charged one month in advance. This means that on your first bill, you will receive a pro-rata charge for the time that you were active in the billing cycle, plus a month in advance of the full plan fee.

Future invoices will show the full standard monthly amount and include the full usage allowance.

If you ever cancel your service with Southern Phone, the fees you paid in advance will be credited back to your Southern Phone account