Updated 3 years ago

Telstra 3G Network partial shutdown – Handset upgrade required

Telstra is performing an upgrade to their network and as of 25 March 2019, the 2100MHz layer of the 3G network will be shut down.

Your service may be affected by the closure of the 2100MHz layer of the 3G mobile network.

Our records show that you are using a device that only operates on the 2100MHz network, which means when this closure takes place on the 25th March 2019, your device will no longer be supported. You won’t be able to make or receive calls, send and receive SMS messages or access data from this date.

What do you need to do?

So that you can stay connected, you will need to upgrade your mobile handset to a device that is compatible with the 4G or the 850 MHz layers on the 3G mobile service. If you have recently upgraded your device, please disregard this notice.

Why is the 2100MHz layer of the 3G mobile service closing?

Only a tiny portion of mobile traffic is using the 2100 MHz spectrum. Over time, more and more customers are using 4G services in order to ensure greater coverage, network reliability and consistently faster speeds. By re-purposing the 2100 MHz spectrum from 3G to 4G, capacity is being increased to where there is greater customer demand.

What will happen if I don’t take any action?

Your current device will continue to operate until the 25th of March 2019. If you don’t upgrade before this time, then you’ll no longer be able to use your mobile device. To continue to use your service, we recommend that you upgrade to a device that is compatible with either the 4G network or the 3G 850 MHz mobile service.

We are here to help

If you would like to discuss the network upgrade with our friendly team or if you have any questions about how your service may be affected, give our team a call on 1800 429 902.

We recommend you change your device as soon as possible to avoid disruptions to your service. You can also visit our website; www.southernphone.com.au to view handsets that we currently have on offer.