13th Feb 2024

How to keep your family safe online


In the digital age, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the internet, keeping our families safe online has never been more critical. Cybersecurity is no longer just a concern for businesses and tech enthusiasts; it's a family matter. From the youngest child who innocently clicks on a colourful pop-up to the adult sharing their life on social media, every family member is a potential gateway to cyber threats. In this blog we’ll explore some practical strategies you can implement to create a safer online environment for your loved ones and help them develop the skills they need to navigate the digital world.

Family-wide defence: Tactics toward a cyber-secure household

  • Set strong passwords: Teach family members to create complex passwords that include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Encourage them to use different passwords for different accounts. 
  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA on all possible accounts for an added layer of security, requiring a second form of verification beyond just a password.
  • Install security software and update regularly: Make sure all devices have up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software to protect against unwanted threats. Both Norton 360 Deluxe and McAfee Total Protection Family offer comprehensive protection for multiple devices and include robust parental controls. They also include a VPN for added privacy and identity theft protection features.
  • Educate about phishing scams and online privacy: Warn family members about the dangers of phishing emails or messages that ask for personal information or direct them to suspicious websites. Simultaneously, teach family members not to overshare personal information on social media and to check privacy settings on their accounts.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest online trends and potential risks. This helps you stay one step ahead and prepare your family for any new threats that may arise.

Engage in conversations about digital safety

Navigating the digital landscape can be daunting for people of all age groups, but open and ongoing conversations about digital safety can make all the difference. Chatting about digital safety with the family doesn't have to be a lecture—it's all about sharing and caring. In the following section, we will outline some ways to approach these crucial discussions. 

You can make it a regular part of your family meetings to discuss which new apps everyone's using. By showing interest in and becoming acquainted with the platforms used, it becomes an excellent opportunity to discuss online activity and to share relevant safety tips in a relaxed and casual setting. 

If you encounter news stories about online security breaches or cyberbullying, you can use them as conversation starters to discuss the implications of online actions, such as the permanence of internet posts, the potential for cyberbullying, and the dangers of online predators. 

Another way to enhance digital safety, is encouraging your family members to think critically about the information they find online and to question sources. Discuss suspicious emails or messages to help everyone learn to recognise potential scams or phishing attempts.

Encourage your family members to share their experiences and assure them that they can come to you with any issues without fear of judgment or punishment. This trust is the foundation for open dialogue. 

By keeping these conversations ongoing and inclusive, every family member can contribute to a collective shield against digital threats, ensuring that your home remains a safe space both offline and online. As technology evolves, make sure to revisit these conversations regularly to update them on new risks and adjust guidelines as necessary. 

Managing a digital crisis

A digital crisis can strike at any moment, and managing such a crisis requires not just technical savvy, but also a strong sense of empathy and collaboration within the family unit. The following steps offer a pragmatic and supportive approach to navigating a digital crisis, ensuring that your family emerges stronger and more prepared for the digital age.

  1. Identify the crisis: Determine the type of digital crisis, such as data breach, cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, or malware infection.
  2. Contain the situation: If it's a security issue, change passwords immediately, log out of all devices and enable two-factor authentication. For cyberbullying, save evidence and block the offenders. If inappropriate content is involved, remove access to the content and clear browser histories.
  3. Communicate with family: Hold a family meeting to discuss the crisis and its impact. Listen to concerns and make sure everyone understands the seriousness of the situation.
  4. Educate on digital safety: Review and reinforce the basics of online safety, privacy, and the importance of not sharing personal information. Share resources and tools that can help improve digital literacy.
  5. Update security measures: Install or update antivirus software. Enable two-factor authentication for online accounts. Ensure that all devices are updated with the latest security patches.
  6. Create a family digital policy: Establish clear guidelines for online behaviour, acceptable websites, and apps to prevent future incidents. Set boundaries for screen time and use of social media.
  7. Implement monitoring and controls: Consider using parental control software to monitor online activities. Regularly check privacy settings on social media and other platforms.
  8. Seek professional help if necessary: For legal issues, consult with a lawyer. If the crisis has caused psychological stress, consider counselling services.
  9. Review and learn: After resolving the crisis, review what happened and how it was handled. Discuss what could be done better in the future to prevent similar crises.
  10. Maintain open dialogue: Keep communication lines open for family members to discuss any future concerns or questions about digital activity.

Remember, prevention is key, so incorporate these steps into your family's routine to mitigate the risk of future digital crises. Also note that the emotional impact of being endangered or hurt online can be significant. Providing a supportive environment for your family members to express their feelings and recover from the experience is just as important as dealing with the practical aspects of the situation.

Securing our family’s online future

In order to be able to navigate the complexities of online threats, it’s essential to remain vigilant, informed, and proactive. By establishing open lines of communication, educating yourself and your family about online safety, and taking decisive steps to address any threats, you can create a safer online environment. Remember that support is available, from parental controls to professional guidance. By working together, staying aware of the evolving digital landscape, and fostering resilience, we can empower our families to thrive in a connected world while minimising the risks they face. Let's commit to being diligent digital guardians, always ready to manage the crisis and protect the well-being of our loved ones in the online universe.

Read about protecting your family from nbn® scams: https://www.southernphone.com.au/blog/nbn-scams-to-watch-out-for

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