3G is switching off, your device may not work.

Price Change Notification

Information about our new rates

From 1 April 2018, directory charges will increase. This includes calls to 1234, 12456,1223.

Monthly Charges

Operator Assisted Calls
Current Monthly Charge
New Monthly Charge
Directory Services: 1234
Fee for calling or texting 1234 from a Telstra fixed or Telstra mobile service
Fee for successful and attempted through connection, to the person or organisation searched for
Call Connect: 12456
Fee for calling or texting 12456 from a Telstra fixed or Telstra mobile service
Fee for successful and attempted through connection, to the person or organisation searched for
Directory Assistance 1223*
Fee for successful and attempted through connection, to the person or organisation searched for
The below fixed line rates will be updated on the 1st of November 2018.

Monthly Charges

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Section Part B – ISDN Services: ISDN Plans

Business Line Plan
Current Monthly Charge
Monthly Charge From 1 November 2018
ISDN 2 BusinessLine Complete
ISDN 2 Enhanced BusinessLine Complete
ISDN 10 BusinessLine Complete
ISDN 20 BusinessLine Complete
ISDN 30 BusinessLine Complete
ISDN 10/20/30 BusinessLine Complete – additional 10 Channels