8th Aug 2016

Southern Phone wins national customer-commitment award


Southern Phone recognised by ACOMM for Customer Service

Southern Phone Company Ltd has won the 2016 ACOMM Award for “Commitment To Customer Service”.

Now in their 10th year, the awards are run by Communications Alliance, a national communications industry body whose prime mission is to protect consumer interests by fostering strong business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance, as well as promote Australia’s communications industry growth. The body’s industry forum also contributes to policy development.

David Joss, Southern Phone’s new Managing Director, who took over from Mark Warren on 1 July, says, “Winning this award just reinforces everything that Southern Phone is about: people.

“The formal description about the award says that Southern Phone ‘executed an integrated approach to lifting customer-satisfaction levels for mobile customers by fostering a workplace culture of resolution not escalation; extending hours of operating in customer service and technical support areas to 24 hours, seven days a week; and developing a team who understand requirements in rural and regional Australia’.

“We pride ourselves on having local customer service, based on the NSW South Coast, where we employ over 135 people. Our service model is centred on having a regional team and servicing regional customers, clearly this is something our customers value too.”

Mr Joss says Southern Phone has grown to become the second-largest home phone provider in regional Australia, which it achieved by maintaining a strong focus on customer service.

He says the ACOMM Award comes on top of Southern Phone receiving the Roy Morgan National Award for the Best Home Phone Provider in Australia for the third year in a row earlier this year, and the Best Mobile Phone Provider five months in a row.

“You can only win awards such as this by being dedicated to the customer. I am so proud of every single employee in Southern Phone who has been part of implementing this integrated approach to lifting customer-satisfaction levels for our mobile customers.”

The awards were announced at the ACOMM Annual Awards Dinner in Sydney in late July.

On the evening, Communications Alliance CEO John Stanton said, “The ACOMM Awards represent the pinnacle of achievement for the Australian communications industry and I congratulate all the winners and finalists. Excellence in innovation is a pervasive trait in the achievements of the 2016 ACOMM winners.”

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