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Business Services

What are inbound services?

What Are Inbound Services?

Inbound Services include 13, 1300 and 1800 phone numbers. If you would like to set up an inbound service, you will need to get in touch with us to organise this. We will need to obtain the terminating phone number from you. This service is generally used by businesses to increase sales or improve customer service. The terminating number that accepts the 1300 or 1800 number can be changed. 

Inbound Services What Are The Charges?
  • The caller pays 40 cents per call to a 13/1300 number.
  • Calls to 1800 numbers are free.

A setup fee of $150 will be applied. Changes to routing will also incur a fee. The service owner is charged a service rental $16.50 fee of per service per month.

Call Charges For 1300 Services For The Service Owner
  • Local calls: The first 20 minutes free then 11 cents per minute. 
  • Long Distance calls: 16.5 cents per minute
  • Calls from Mobiles: 22 cents per minute
  • Mobile terminating calls: 45 cents per minute (that is, the terminating number is a mobile, not a fixed line). 
Call Charges For 1800 Services For The Service Owner
  • Local calls: 11 cents per minute
  • Long Distance calls: 16.5 cents per minute
  • Calls from Mobiles: 22 cents per minute
  • Mobile terminating calls: 45 cents per minute

What is line hunt?

Line Hunt - What Is It?

Line Hunt lets you add as many lines as you need, yet advertise only one number. As calls come in on your main number, Line Hunt automatically finds the next free line and puts them through. Callers do not have to wait until the main phone line is free. Line hunt is not available for residential services, VOIP or NBN Services.

Line Hunt - Is It Available?

Line Hunt is only available on business services on the copper network.

Line Hunt - How Much Does It Cost?

We charge you the following for Line Hunt:

  • Connection (initial set-up)- Call Circulate $46.20
  • Connection (initial set-up) - Call Share $46.20
  • Monthly charge $3.90
  • Relocating service, whether changing Line Hunt group or not, (each time) (in addition to the in-place or new connection charges for each service) $46.20
  • Adding or removing a number to a Line Hunt group (each time) $46.20
  • Changing 1 or more numbers in a Line Hunt group (each time) $46.20
  • Changing the order of numbers in a Line Hunt group (each time) $46.20
  • Switching an existing Line Hunt group from Call Share to Call Circulate (or vice versa) $46.20