Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code

Southern Phone Company (SPC) is committed to providing the consumer protections set out in the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code C628:2019

The Code applies to SPC and all telco providers. It contains a set of rules designed to protect the rights of consumers.

It deals with a range of customer transactions and sets out mandatory requirements in relation to:

·       bills and billing e.g., what we need to show on your telco bill

·       financial assistance and support e.g., that we must have a Financial Hardship Policy

·       customer transfer e.g., how we transfer your service from another provider

·       consumer contracts e.g., that we must make available our standard form contract

·       the information providers are required to give customers about products and services, prices, terms and conditions. e.g., that we must provide a summary of each of our offers in a Critical Information Summary

The primary telco industry body association, Communications Alliance Ltd has published a brochure summarising the key aspects of the Code and is a useful resource for consumers.

Click here to read the Protecting Our Customer's leaflet.